Tel: +852-2781-1195
LEE Filters 400 LEELux Diffusion Lighting Gel
400 LEELux 加厚柔光濾片
LEE 400 LEELux Diffusion Lighting Gel. A dense white diffuser used for wide beam spreads; creates an even, soft, field of light without shadows. Manufactured on a 125 micron polyester base.
Full technical specifications for 400 LEELux can be found here
The LEE Filters Diffusion Index (LDI) can be found here
The LEE Filters Diffusion Comparator can be found here
Manufactured in the following sizes 分別有以下尺寸可供選購:
Half Sheet 單半張 - 0.53m x 0.61m (21" x 24"),
Price 價格: HK$65
Full Sheet 單全張 - 0.53m x 1.22m (21" x 48"),
Price 價格: HK$110
Standard 4ft Roll 標準4尺卷裝 - 7.62m x 1.22m (25' x 48"),
Price 價格: HK$1000
Wide 5ft Roll 加寬5尺卷裝 - 7.62m x 1.52m (25' x 60"),
Price 價格: HK$1200
Other Lee Diffusion Lighting Gel info:
- LEE 810 Zircon Diffusion 1 for LED Lighting Gel
Lee Lighting Filters 香港代理:
Relight Imaging Limited
Showroom & Customer Service Center
柴灣祥利街9 號祥利工業大廈5 樓B 室
Tel: 2781-1195